Passion For Soccer Project

Passion For Soccer Project

 The SESA Passion For Soccer Project

The mission of the Passion For Soccer Project is to establish and support a passion for the game of soccer in Southeast Iowa through 3 core functions.


  1. The primary function to achieve this is by generating donations that are then applied first to fulfill scholarship needs. Scholarships are available for the Select programs with additional scholarships through our partnership with the YMCA. SESA offers scholarships for those in need. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to play soccer and should not be limited by their family’s financial situations. Scholarships are awarded on a per basis evaluation with application. While SESA has not increased club fees in several years, program offerings, operational expenses, professional coaching, and scholarship awards have all increased. Because of this, the need for additional scholarship donations has also increased significantly.


  1. The secondary function of the PFSP is to grow the passion for soccer. This is done through community outreach and education. Specifically, SESA coaches and/or players will visit a select number of local schools during the year to run PE and recess programs. This interaction with students and support to have better run PE and recess programs offers an introduction to soccer that engages the student in a more positive way than what most programs are able to offer.


  1. The third function is the long-term goal. While having adequate scholarship and providing affordable programs will always be the primary function, SESA aspires to provide free to play environments for the public. These long-term goals are to build publicly accessible and free fields, courts, and playing environments, or “Soccer Spots”- much like public basketball courts, tennis courts, or playgrounds.

Become a Donor

Become a Donor

Help to fund the Passion for Soccer Project by making one or more donations of $100 and become a recognized donor. Each $100 donation will be recognized as a PFSP donor.

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Contact Info

Contact Info

Southeast Soccer Academy
P.O. Box 394
Burlington, Iowa 52601
